As the fireworks display on New Year’s Eve is ticketed there are a number of different designated viewing areas, each with its own specific entrance and egress route. Having one designated drop off or pick up point is therefore difficult as it would mean people travelling to or from the fireworks aren’t using the correct entrance and egress routes, causing disruption and confusion.
Park Lane and Achilles Way will be open which drivers can use to drop off and pick up passengers who have tickets for a viewing area on the north side of the river but shouldn’t be used for passengers with tickets for other areas.
We are planning to issue a TPH notice later today or tomorrow which will contain information that will help taxi and private hire drivers know where to drop off and pick up passengers. It will also cover information on the road closures and entrance and egress routes for the ticketed viewing areas.
There will be additional security measures in place for this year’s event, including bag searches for everyone coming to the fireworks, and so passengers who book a PHV to take them to the event should be advised to allow plenty of time to make their way past the security checks and into the viewing areas.
After the event it would be very helpful if we could get any feedback from you and your members about what worked well on the night and also what problems they encountered so as these issues can be taken into consideration for next year.
I hope this helps but give me a call if anything isn’t clear.
Kind regards
Helen Chapman
Posted: 16th December 2015