Branch News

Our Response to the Latest Transport ideas
Posted: 1st July 2018

Next Branch Meeting Date
Posted: 15th June 2018
Our Next Branch meeting 9th July 2018 @ GMB Euston 18,45 to 2100
It will be a busy agenda focusing on outcomes of Employment Tribunal Hearings.

Tribunal Addison Lee
Posted: 15th June 2018
Our Employement Tribunal Case V Addison Lee Continues is listed for the 20/21 June 2018
Uber Case Continues the following week.
Members of. The Professional Drivers Branch can join and become complainants against the above by contacting Branch Secretary Simon Rush

Posted: 14th June 2018
we at the branch are pleased to announce that on Tuesday 12th June 2018 Our election results were confirmed.
The results are
Simon Rush Branch Secretary
Mark Jennings Branch President
Peter O’Connell Political Officer
John Tottman Auditor
Simon Virgo Race Officer
Dennis Bartholomew Equalites Officer.

Landmark Duty of Care Agreeement with Tristar
Posted: 2nd December 2016
GMB has reached an Historic agreement with Tristar Worldwide on behalf of drivers.
The Duty of Care Agreement will hopefully lead the way for other operators UK wide to adopt this policy.
We actively encourage operators to reach out to GMB to follow suit.
A copy of the agreement is below.:

GMB & Trade Protest December 8th
Posted: 30th November 2016
On December 8th at 11.00 AM we are protesting in relation to English language testing as well as TFL’s unwillingness to listen to stake holders on a variety of matters including: Congestion, emissions, Vehicles, Using DVLA guidelines for driver fitness rather than adopting a internal set of guidelines based on a practical best practice. Driver…

TFL – Heathrow Taxis and Also provision of credit
Posted: 25th November 2016
We will be seeking advice on the credit aspect for members.
Transport for London (TfL) carried out an extensive consultation with the public and the taxi trade at the end of 2015, where 86 per cent of respondents responded positively to card acceptance in taxis; this measure was approved by the TfL Board.…